Weekly Newsletter 9/13/24


September 6th, 2024

What a couple of wonderful first days of school, we are excited to celebrate two more first days of school with our kindergartners and our preschoolers next week! We want to thank everyone who came out for our Open House we are so grateful to have such wonderful involved families 💛 . Next week is our first full week of school and we welcome kinders for half days. We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

  • Oregon state law requires schools to provide students with an opportunity to say the Pledge of Allegiance at least once during each school week. ORS 339.875 specifically requires that each school district will: (1) Provide students with the opportunity to salute the United States flag at least once each week of the school year by reciting: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” (2) Students who do not participate in the salute provided for by this section must maintain a respectful silence during the salute. Reference: ORS 339.875
    • We will be participating in the Pledge of Allegiance on Friday mornings, if you any questions to concerns please reach out! 
  • Timely Taters has begun!  If a class has at least 92% of students in attendance they will earn a token on their potato head! Classes with perfect attendance will be recognized daily. REMEMBER the tardy bell is at 8:05am if your student arrives after 8:05am they will be marked tardy and not be eligible towards the class's 92%. Thank you for all of your help getting kids to school every day and on time, let us know if you need support with this! 
  • We will be using Class Dojo for all of our communication this year, if you haven't already please sign up using this link
  • Transportation is using a new link for all of your bussing needs. Sign up here 
  • We need updated permission forms for students who take medication at school, please fill out this form, or stop by we have copies in the office. 
  • Please remember if you are dropping off or picking students up to use the drop off lane in front of the school and/or park in front of the school. 
  • Dorena School had a 12% increase in enrollment this year!!! 
  • Quotes from District leaders this past week "I love being at your school, LOVE seeing the full classrooms and even though they are full kids were engaged, on task, and learning is happening like I would expect to see in a couple of weeks!" "Dorena is setting the example for all of the other schools in the district"
  • Quotes from Students this week "I am really glad we moved here, I really love being at this school." "My favorite this about being at school is you (Mrs. Molloy) because I get at least one belly laugh when I am with you." "I rated my first day of school a 100 out of 10!" 
  • We are always looking for more volunteers to help in our school. This year we have a new math curriculum and it requires a lot of prep! We also send home snack packs weeks and need help with assembly. If the activities listed below are something that you are interested in, please stop by our office and pick up a volunteer packet. Processing applications takes about 2 weeks so please get your forms in quickly. 
    • Helping in the classroom
    • Attending and assisting on field trips
    • Helping with school events such as assemblies, field day, etc.
Other Information
  • We will practice several ALICE drills this year in conjunction with our emergency drills (Lockdown, Earthquake, Fire). Please see the follow Letter for more information. 
  • Every Friday we have Panther Pride day where we encourage all students to wear their panther gear or dress in our school colors Black and Yellow to show their Dorena Pride. It is also hat day, students can wear a hat for 25 cents or 3 Panther Pride Tickets. 

On the Radar: 
  • Oct 11 No School- State Wide Inservice 
  • Oct 16 Picture Day and Dental Screenings 
  • Oct 19th School Bus appreciation Day
  • Oct 25th Fall Festival at London School 
  • Week of School 9/16-9/20






     Early Release   12:30pm
    Pledge of Allegiance

    Panther Pride Day and Hat Day! 

We are so happy that you and your students are members of our Dorena School family! We will partner together to have a fantastic school year. Thank you for all that you do.  Please do not hesitate to reach out if you ever have questions or concerns.

This year our focus is ATTENDANCE, Meet our Tater family!

Many wonder why we have early release on Wed, and the answer is so that teachers can do learning together. This week we focused on our Mission, Vision and collective commitments to ensuring all students learn at high levels. 

Every day staff and students write Good news referrals for Staff, students, and families. Check out how many were written this week! 


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