Weekly Newsletter 11/8/24


November 8th, 2024

Happy 3.5 day weekend to all of our students and families! We have lots of illness going around right now so lots of rest this weekend! We will see everyone on Tuesday ready to learn, ready to practice our character trait of the money Gratitude, and ready to be safe, respectful, and responsible! 

Check out our beautifully completed Structure, we will have an official ceremony for the completion in the Spring when it is not so muddy 😉

  • PBIS Theme: Gratitude
  • Our attendance challenge for ice cream sundaes has begun! Mrs. Beck's 4th/5th class is in the lead with 4 scoops and Mrs. B's is close behind with 2 scoops. We are still waiting for K/1 and MS to get their first scoop. 
  • Our first Donuts and Dodgeball will be 11/15! Every student who has 90% attendance or better since the beginning of October AND not more than 5 office referrals will be eligible to participate. 
  • Sign up forms for conferences will be coming home next week! 


  • Attendance
  • Our attendance rate as a school is 93%
  • We currently have 74% of student are attending regularly so 90% or more days.
  • We have 26% of students who are chronically absent so attending 80% or less of days. 
  • 44% of all absences are excused, 56% of all absences are unexcused
  • Tuesday is the lowest attended day and Friday is the highest. 
  • 4th and 5th grades have the highest attendance, while Middle school has the lowest attendance. 

  • We are always looking for more volunteers to help in our school. This year we have a new math curriculum and it requires a lot of prep! We also send home snack packs weeks and need help with assembly. If the activities listed below are something that you are interested in, please stop by our office and pick up a volunteer packet. Processing applications takes about 2 weeks so please get your forms in quickly. 
    • Helping in the classroom
    • Attending and assisting on field trips
    • Helping with school events such as assemblies, field day, etc.

On the Radar:   
  • November 11th No School Veterans Day
  • November 18th K/1 Starts swimming 🏊 
  • November 20th 4th/5th Field Trip
  • Week of School 11/11-11/15






    NO SCHOOL Thank you Veterans! 
    Early Release   12:30pmPanther Pride Day & Hat Day!

    Donuts and Dodgeball

    Fun Friday

    2nd/3rd Student Store
We are so happy that you and your students are members of our Dorena School family! We will partner together to have a fantastic school year. Thank you for all that you do.  Please do not hesitate to reach out if you ever have questions or concerns.

Our students got their vision assessed this week, thanks to the Lions club volunteers! 
Our New Outdoor structure is complete and has passed final inspections and we are OVER the moon excited about it! We will have an official celebration of gratitude at our Spring Family Night! 


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